In this post we are going to explore how to connect an adaFruit Huzzah32 Feather (esp32) to a grove accelerometer.
I have covered this sensor in a previous tangible post so if you want more detail than offered here, jump over to that video. In the tangible post we used an Arduino Uno which is a 5V device and the V1.0 version of the Arduino IDE.
In this video we are connecting a grove (Grove 3-axis digital accelerometer (LIS3DHTR)) accelerometer to a 3.3V feather. The grove sensor tolerates 3.3V and a 5V power supplies so it is a great crossover sensor for us, allowing us to work with Uno’s or huzzah32s.
Communication between the microcontroller and the sensor uses the I2C interface. I2c is pronounced i-squared-c, i have a bad habit if calling i-two-c (it will come up in the video). But it is properly known as i-squared-c.
I2C is a synchronous serial protocol. This means that the devices speaking to each other are synchronized by a shared clock signal. This is different than the serial communication that happens over USB to our microcontroller — a form called asynchronous (no clock, out of sync).
To get this sensor working, you need to build a simple circuit (covered in video) and then we can use the same code as we used with the UNO in the video linked above.
Part List:
- huzzah32
- breadboard
- jumper wires (red / black various lengths)
- grove LIS3DHTR 3axis sensor
- jst to pin connector cable for sensor
- 2 x 10k resistors (brown, black, orange)
The accelerometer we are using has an I2C interface. The Huzzah pins we are using have special functions — you cannot move this circuit to other pins the way you might other kinds of circuits.
The pull up resistors are 10k ( brown. black, orange).
The code for this example is also available from github. [download]
The baud rate in this example is 115200 – you need to change baud rates in your serial monitor and/or plotter.
// Simplified example -- see video for details.
// This example shows the 3 axis acceleration.
//you need all four of these declarations
#include "LIS3DHTR.h"
#include <Wire.h>
#define WIRE Wire
// these are not needed here
// #define I2C_SDA 23
// #define I2C_SCL 22
void setup() {
// woah! look at the BAUD rate
Serial.begin(115200); // change plotter or serial monitor
while (!Serial) {}; // for testing not production - this BLOCKS forever is no serial
// variables you need to init accellerometer
LIS.begin(WIRE, 0x19); //IIC init
delay(100); // give it a moment to start
LIS.setFullScaleRange(LIS3DHTR_RANGE_2G); //sensitivity
LIS.setOutputDataRate(LIS3DHTR_DATARATE_50HZ); // data rate
LIS.setHighSolution(true); //High solution enable
Serial.println("setup complete");
void loop() {
if (!LIS) {
Serial.println("LIS3DHTR didn't connect.");
while (1);
//3 axis
Serial.print("x:"); Serial.print(LIS.getAccelerationX()); Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print("y:"); Serial.print(LIS.getAccelerationY()); Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print("z:"); Serial.println(LIS.getAccelerationZ());