netArt is a community of learners. One of our core beliefs is that everyone has something to share. Comments and forums provide one channel for engagement and dialog. Your actions must meet our basic expectations outlined below.
0. Kindness: Be kind to everyone and treat them as they want to be treated. Virtual space is not an excuse to be a jerk or predator. EVER. Online spaces still have real world consequences (outlined in school policies).
1. Inclusion: Be committed to decolonization and antiracist practice. Be open to listening & learning.
2. Boundaries: Respect the boundaries of everyone in the comment sections of this site.
3. Take care: Get outdoors, drink water – 8 cups, sleep – 8 hours. It makes everything tangible so much better.
4. Feedback: When offering critical feedback, do so with the belief that people are here to learn; when receiving critical feedback, listen to others with a willingness to learn.
5. Support: Do your best to support each other — think about what you are saying BEFORE you post.